
Rio Dell City Council

Regular Meeting 6:00 pm

Tuesday, August 1, 2006


A. Call to Order

B.  Roll Call

C.  Pledge of Allegiance

D.  Study Sessions  (Closed)

    CDBG Loan Advisory Committee 6:00-6:30 pm  Advance on existing deed of trust 551 Pacific Ave Carolyn McCann

E.  Ceremonial Matters

F.  Consent Calendar

    2006/0801.01  Approve minutes of the June 27,  2006 special meeting (Action)

    2006/0801.02  Approve minutes of the July 5,  2006 regular meeting (Action)

    2006/0801.03  Approve check register (Action )

    2006/0801.04 Approve proclamation no. 779.132 extending local water emergency through August 15, 2006 (Action)

G.  Special Presentations

H.  Ordinances/Special Resolutions

I.  Special Call Items/Community Affairs

    "Special Call Items" from Consent Calendar

    2006/0801.05  Approve proposed rate change with Eel River Disposal and accept it as an amendment to the Franchise Agreement  (Action)

    2006/0801.06  Select riverbank restoration alternatives for raw water intake system (Action)

    2006/0801.07  Supplemental change orders for force account work on the raw water intake system (Discussion)

 J. Public Presentations

K.  Reports/Staff Communications

    1. Acting City Manager

    2.  Public Works Director

    3.  Chief of Police

    4.  Accounting Supervisor

L.  Other Council Business

M.  Announcements in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:

    1.  2006/0801.08-Potential Litigation-Roberts vs. Rio Dell

    2.  2006/0801.09-Potential Litigation-Nuisance Abatement Issues

    3. 2006/0801.10-Litigation-Concerned Citizens vs. Rio Dell

    4. 2006/0801.11-Potential Litigation-Property Damage Claim

    5. 2006/0801.12-Personnel-Rio Dell Employees Association Contract Negotiations

N.  Recess into Closed Session

O.  Reconvene to Open Session

P.  Oral announcements

Q.  Adjournment




Meeting Notes 7-18-06

City Council Rio Dell California



Sharon :-)