January 4, 2011 Rio Dell City Council Meeting Agenda

Regular Meeting - 6:30pm

A. Call to order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Study Session

E. Ceremonial

  1. 2011/0104.01 Swearing in and seating of newly elected council members
  2. 2011/0104.02 Election of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore (Action)
  3. 2011/0104.03 Certificate of appreciate to councilmember Dunker

F. Consent calendar

  1. 2011/0104.04 Approve minutes of the December 7, 2010 regular meeting (Action)
  2. 2011/0104.05 Approve minutes of the December 20, 2010 special meeting (Action)
  3. 2011/0104.06 Approve scope of services with Winzler for completion of California Department of Fish and Game 1600 permit (Action)
  4. 2011/0104.07 Approve water bill claim adjustment for Chris Dazzi at 130 Webster St. in the amount of $245.25 (Action)
  5. 2011/0104.08 Approve water bill claim adjustment for Liz Samaniego at 444 Edwards Dr. in the amount of $150.96 (Action)
  6. 2011/0104.09 Deny water bill claim adjustment for Mindy Henderson at 250 Monument Rd. in the amount of $107.91 (Action)
  7. 2011/0104.10 Approve Winzler & Kelly agreement for services for Scotia annexation and approve payment of invoice in the amount of $4,995.12 (Action)
  8. 2011/0104.11 Approve amendment no. 1 on the scope of services from Winzler & Kelly for Fireman's Park improvement project (Action)
  9. 2011/0104.12 Approve pay request no. 1 for Wendt Construction Co. in the amount of $73,305.00 for work related to the Fireman's Park improvement project (Action)
  10. 2011/0104.13 Authorize the city manager to execute the Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant (EECBG) with County of Humboldt and adopt a special project budget in the amount of $25,000 (Action)

G. Special presentations

H. Ordinances/Special Resolutions

  1. 2011/0104.14 Public hearing, second reading (by title only) and adoption of ordinance no. 268-2010 state video service franchises ordinance implementing "DIVCA," the Digital and Video Competition Act of 2006 (Action)
  2. 2011/0104.15 Public hearing, second reading (by title only) and adoption of ordinance no. 269-2010 adopting California building codes and appendices and repealing title 15, chapter 15.05.020-building codes of the Rio Dell municipal code (Action)
  3. 2011/0104.16 Public hearing, approve urgency ordinance no. 270-2011 an urgency measure establishing a temporary moratorium on the installation of smartmeters and related equipment within the City of Rio Dell or in, along, across, upon, under and over the public streets and places within the City of Rio Dell and declaring the urgency thereof (Action)

H.(sic) Special Call Items/Community Affairs

  1. Special call items from consent calendar
  2. 2011/0104.17 Approve addendum of contract with HDR and notice to proceed on wastewater project design and stipulate type of contract (Action)
  3. 2011/0104.18 Draft sanitary sewer management plan (Receive & File)
  4. 2011/0104.19 Water bill claim adjustment policy (Discussion)
  5. 2011/0104.20 Report on sewer rate increase schedule (Receive & File)
  6. 2011/0104.21 Receive compensation committee report (Receive & File)

J. Public presentations

K. Reports/staff communications

  1. City Manager
  2. Finance Director
  3. Chief of Police
  4. Public Works Director

L. Council reports/communications

M. Announcement in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:

N. Public comment regarding closed session

O. Recess into closed session

P. Reconvene into open session

Q. Oral announcements

R. Adjournment


The next Regular meeting will be on January 18, 2011 at 6:30pm


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