February 1st, 2011 Rio Dell City Council Meeting Agenda

Joint Planning Commission/Council Study Session - 5:00pm

Regular Meeting - 6:30pm

A. Call to order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Ceremonial

  1. 2011/0201.01 Swearing in of newly appointed Planning Commission members

E. Public hearing/study session

  1. 2011/0201.02 Introduction of new planning commissioner Gordon Johnson
  2. 2011/0201.03 Development of Dinsmore Plateau
  3. 2011/0201.04 De-annexation of Blue Slide Rd/natural resources lands (Metropolitan)

F. Public Presentations

G. Other council/planning commission business

H. Adjournment

Regular Council Meeting 6:30pm

A. Call to order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Study sessions

E. Ceremonial

F. Consent calendar

  1. 2011/0201.01 Approve minutes of the January 18, 2011 regular meeting (Action)
  2. 2011/0201.02 Approve water claim adjustment for Chris Dazzi at 130 Webster St. in the amount of $245.25 (Action)

G. Special presentations

  1. 2011/0201.03 Public hearing - Wastewater rate adjustments

H. Special call items/community affairs

  1. Special call items from consent calendar
  2. 2011/0201.04 CDBG loan portfolio report (Receive & file)
  3. 2011/0201.05 Approve sale of 1994 Ford Crown Victoria to Southern Humboldt Unified School District in the amount of $765.00 (Action)
  4. 2011/0201.06 Draft labor agreements with Rio Dell Employees' Association, Rio Dell Police Officers Association and Contract Employees (Receive & file)

M.(sic) Ordinances/special resolutions

  1. 2010/1207.20 Approve resolution no. 1100-2010 accepting the certification of votes for the November 2, 2010 general election (Action)
  2. 2010/1207.21 Public hearing, introduction and first reading (by title only) of ordinance no. 268-2010 state video service franchises ordinance implementing "DIVCA", the Digital and Video Competition Act of 2006 (Action)
  3. 2010/1207.22 Public hearing, introduction and first reading (by title only) of ordinance no. 269-2010 adopting California Buiding Codes and Appendices and repealing Title 15, Chapter 15.05.020 - Building codes of the Rio Dell Municipal Code (Action)

N. Public presentations

O. Reports/staff communications

  1. City Manager
  2. Finance Director
  3. Chief of Police
  4. Public Works Director

P. Council reports/communications

Q. Adjournment


The next Regular meeting will be on February 15, 2011 at 6:30pm


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