
Rio Dell City Council

Regular Meeting 6:30pm

March 18 , 2008

A.  Call to Order

B.  Roll Call

C.  Pledge of Allegiance

D.  Study Sessions/Public Hearings

E.  Ceremonial Matters

  1. 2008/0318.01 Presentation of plaque honoring George J. Bertain

F.  Consent Calendar

  1. 2008/0318.02 Approve minutes of the March 4, 2008 CDBG Loan Advisory Committee meeting  (Action)
  2. 2008/0318.03 Approve minutes of the March 4, 2008 Study Session/Regular Meeting (Action)
  3. 2008/0318.04  Approve check register (Action)

G.  Special Presentations

  1. 2008/0318.05 Proposal by Mike Jani from Mendocino Redwood regarding Palco Bankruptcy

H.  Ordinances/Special Resolution

  1. 2008/0318.06 Approve resolution no. 995-2008 authorizing full payment on the USDA Emergency Drought Relief Note and amending capital budget resolution no. 976-2007 (Action)
  2. 2008/0318.07 Approve resolution no. 996-2008 E-Waste budget amendment (Action)

I. Special Call Items/Community Affairs

  1. 2008/0318.08 Approve recommendation for vote on ballot for trade claims against Palco debtors (Action)
  2. 2008/0318.09 EPA Brownfield grant update-SHN Consulting Engineers and Planwest Partners (Action)
  3. 2008/0318.10 Approve revised scope of work for EPA Brownfield grant (Action)

J.  Public Presentations

K.  Reports/Staff Communications

  1. City Manager

  2. Public Works Director

  3. Chief of Police- Updgate on RFP's for Public Safety Communications Component

  4. Finance Director

L.  Other Council Business

M.  Announcement in Open Session of Items to be Discussed in Closed Session as follows:

  1. 2008/0318.11 (numbered incorrectly on agenda, corrected here) Potential litigation - CDBG loan

N.  Recess into Closed Session

O.  Reconvene to Open Session

P.  Oral Announcements

Q.  Adjournment

2.19.08 Meeting


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