
Rio Dell City Council

Closed Door Session 5:30pm

Regular Meeting 6:30pm

March 3rd , 2009

A. Call to Order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Study sessions

E. Announcement in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:

  1. 2009/0303.01 Public employee performance evaluation - City Manager (pursuant to government code section 54957)

F. Public comment regarding closed session items

G. Recess into closed session (5:30pm)

H. Reconvene into open session

I. Oral announcements

J. Consent Calendar

  1. 2009/0303.02 Approve minutes of the July 25, 2009 special meeting (sic)(Action)
  2. 2009/0303.03 Approve minutes of the December 2, 2009 study session (sic)(Action)
  3. 2009/0303.04 Approve minutes of the December 2, 2009 regular meeting (sic)(Action)
  4. 2009/0303.05 Approve minutes of the February 3, 2009 regular meeting (Action)
  5. 2009/0303.06 Approve minutes of the February 3, CDBG loan advisory meeting (Action)
  6. 2009/0303.07 Approve minutes of the February 11, 2009 study session (Action)
  7. 2009/0303.08 Approve check register (Action)

K.  Special Presentations

L.  Ordinances/Special Resolution

  1. 2009/0303.09 Approve resolution no. 1039-2009 approving the ground lease agreement with Omnipoint Communications, Inc. (Action)

M. Special Call Items/Community Affairs

  1. "Special Call Items" from Consent Calendar

N.  Public Presentations

O.  Reports/Staff Communications

  1. City Manager
  2. Director of Public Works
  3. Chief of Police
  4. Finance Director - schedule study session for mid-year budget review

P.  Council Reports/Communications

Q.  Adjournment

The next Regular meeting will be on March 17th, 2009


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