
Rio Dell City Council

Regular Meeting 6:30pm

August 19th, 2008

A.  Call to Order

B.  Roll Call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D.  Study Sessions

E.  Ceremonial Matters

F.  Consent Calendar

  1. 2008/0819.01 Approve minutes of the July 15, 2008 regular meeting (Action)
  2. 2008/0819.02 Approve check register
  3. 2008/0819.03 Approve letter of support encouraging development of Humboldt Bay Harbor (Action)

G.  Special Presentations

H.  Ordinances/Special Resolution

  1. 2008/0819.04 Approve resolution no. 1012-2008 authorizing the execution of a Safe Routes to School master agreement with the State Department of Transportation (Action)
  2. 2008/0819.05 Approve resolution no. 1013-2008 approving a City of Rio Dell credit card policy (Action)
  3. 2008/0819.06 Approve resolution no. 1014-2008 authorizing the adoption of a Safe Routes to School capital budget (Action)

I. Special Call Items/Community Affairs

  1. "Special Call Items" from Consent Calendar
  2. 2008/0819.07 Update on proposed annexations, general plan amendments, general plan amendments and zoning amendments (Receive & File)

J.  Public Presentations

K.  Reports/Staff Communications

  1. City Manager

  2. Public Works Director

  3. Chief of Police

  4. Finance Director

L.  Other Council Business

M.  Announcement in Open Session of Items to be Discussed in Closed Session as follows:

  1. 2008/0819.08 Personnel - City Manager

N.  Recess into Closed Session

O.  Reconvene to Open Session

P.  Oral Announcements

Q.  Adjournment


The next Regular meeting will be on Sept. 2nd, 2008


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