People vs. Gary Lee Bullock



Father Eric Freed Memorial



1.16.14 Preliminary hearing begins - CAUTION, graphic details

1.7.14 Father Freed beat to death with wooden stake and gutter pipe according to autopsy - Time

1.6.14 Gary Lee Bullock was arraigned today at the Humboldt County Courthouse for the murder of Father Eric Freed on New Year’s Day.  Bullock had been taken into police custody in Garberville due to erratic behavior and public intoxication and transported to Eureka where he was combative at the hospital where he had been taken for a medical clearance.  No psychological evaluation was done at the time. Bullock was released during the middle of the night after approximately 8 hours in custody.  The police contacted him two hours later near the St. Bernard’s Church rectory where he was again acting strangely. The police told him to go to a shelter and then left the scene.  Bullock was found on the church property again by a caretaker but the police were not called.  At some point after this, Bullock allegedly broke into the rectory through a window in the back.   Father Freed was found dead later that morning from blunt force trauma according to the recent autopsy results. 

Attorney Kaleb Cockrum was appointed to represent Bullock at today’s hearing. Cockrum objected to any and all media coverage of the case. He stated that any recording of the case will create a bias against the defendant and make it more difficult to be tried fairly by a jury of his peers.  Cockrum requested that no pictures or audio be allowed at all.  He asked that he be allowed to submit his objections in writing if the court allows media coverage.  He further asked that Bullock be allowed to dress appropriately and not be shackled if media coverage is allowed.

Judge Feeney decided to allow video only at todays hearing, no audio recordings were permitted.  Bullock remained shackled for the hearing. The judge advised Cockrum that there are other remedies if he feels the jury pool has been tainted by media coverage.  Feeney will rule on media coverage for future hearings at a later date.

The allegations were read into the record today.  Bullock is being charged with 1st degree murder, vehicle theft and attempted arson.  The murder charge included two special allegations; murder in the commission of a burglary and intentional infliction of torture.  Bullock plead not guilty to all charges. Bail was set at $1.2 million dollars. There will be an intervention hearing on January 15th at 3pm with the preliminary hearing set for January 16th at 8:30am. 

Watch for continuing coverage of the case at the

This has been Sharon Wolff reporting.





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