COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT

                                      NO. DR 050841

                                         .  .  .

                Steven Wolff and Sharon Wolff,
                as individual taxpayers residing
                in the City of Rio Dell and the
                Concerned Taxpayers of Rio Dell,
                an unincorporated association of
                individual taxpayers residing
                in the City of Rio Dell, all ex rel.
                the City of Rio Dell,
                       Plaintiffs and Petitioners,


                City of Rio Dell, the City Council of
                Rio Dell and its individual members
                and Jay Parrish, individually
                and in his capacity as Acting City
                       Defendants and Respondents.

                                   D E P O S I T I O N

                                           O F

                                       JAY PARRISH

                                         .  .  .

                                   MONDAY, MAY 8, 2006

                                         .  .  .

                                       11:10 A.M.
                                         .  .  .

                VALERIE WALKER, CSR #7209

           1                      A P P E A R A N C E S


           3    FOR THE PLAINTIFFS:

           4     HARLAND LAW FIRM LLP
                 BY:  RICHARD SMITH, ESQ.
           5     622 H Street
                 Eureka, CA  95501
           6     (707) 444-9281


           8    FOR DEFENDANT PARRISH:

           9     LOZANO SMITH
                 BY:  THOMAS E. GAUTHIER, ESQ.
          10     1107 Ninth Street
                 Sacramento, CA  95814-3607
          11     (916) 329-7433


          13    FOR DEFENDANT WOODALL:
                (Telephone Appearance.)
                 OLSON, HAGEL & FISHBURN
          15     BY:  RICHARD MIADICH, ESQ.
                 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1425
          16     Sacramento, CA  95814
                 (916) 442-2952

          18    ALSO PRESENT:

          19     Steven Wolff








           1                            I N D E X


           3    EXAMINATION                                   PAGE

           4      By Mr. Smith                                  5



           7    EXHIBITS            DESCRIPTION               PAGE

           8       1        Notice of Taking Deposition
                            of Jay Parrish on Oral
           9                Examination and for Production
                            of Writings and Other Tangible
          10                Things                              5

          11       2        Packet of Bates Stamped documents
                            01 through 34                       5
                   3        Packet of Documents, Exhibits to
          13                Deposition of Bud Leonard           5














           1                  SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA

           2                       COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT

           3                       CASE NO. DR 050841

           4                             .  .  .

           5    Steven Wolff and Sharon Wolff,
                as individual taxpayers residing
           6    in the City of Rio Dell and the
                Concerned Taxpayers of Rio Dell,
           7    an unincorporated association of
                individual taxpayers residing
           8    in the City of Rio Dell, all ex rel.
                the City of Rio Dell,
           9           Plaintiffs and Petitioners,

          10           vs.

          11    City of Rio Dell, the City Council of
                Rio Dell and its individual members
          12    and Jay Parrish, individually
                and in his capacity as Acting City
          13    Manager,
                       Defendants and Respondents.
          14    ______________________________________/

          15           Be it remembered that pursuant to notice, and on

          16    MONDAY, MAY 8, 2006, commencing at the hour of 11:10

          17    a.m. thereof, at the offices of Harland Law Firm,

          18    622 H Street, Eureka, California, before me, Valerie

          19    Walker, Certified Shorthand Reporter Number 7209 for the

          20    State of California, personally appeared

          21                           JAY PARRISH,

          22    a defendant in the above-entitled action, called by the

          23    Plaintiffs, who, after having been duly sworn to testify

          24    to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,

          25    was interrogated and examined in said cause.


           1             EUREKA, CALIFORNIA; MONDAY, MAY 8, 2006

           2                           11:10 A.M.

           3                              . . .


           5               (Deposition Exhibits 1 through 3

           6                were marked for identification.)


           8                          JAY PARRISH,

           9          having been duly sworn, testified as follows:


          11    BY MR. SMITH:

          12         Q.   Mr. Parrish, I'm going to show you what's been

          13    marked as Exhibit 1 for your deposition.  This is the

          14    notice of your deposition.  Have you seen this before?

          15         A.   Yes.

          16         Q.   This requires you to bring certain documents

          17    identified under A through G on page 2.  Do you see

          18    that?

          19         A.   Yes.

          20         Q.   Have you brought any documents with you?

          21              MR. GAUTHIER:  Objection.  I'm going to

          22    instruct the witness not to answer based on his

          23    privilege against self-incrimination, Evidence Code

          24    section 940.

          25    ///


           1    BY MR. SMITH:

           2         Q.   And Mr. Parrish, is that true?

           3         A.   Yes.

           4         Q.   You're asserting a privilege?

           5         A.   Yes.

           6              MR. SMITH:  Counsel, just so that I know, is

           7    this going to be an assertion of privilege throughout

           8    the deposition generally?

           9              MR. GAUTHIER:  Not completely.  Generally,

          10    yes.

          11    BY MR. SMITH:

          12         Q.   Mr. Parrish, at one point you were elected to

          13    the City Council in the City of Rio Dell, true?

          14         A.   Yes.

          15         Q.   When was that?

          16         A.   I think it was November 5th, 1998.

          17         Q.   And you served continuously from that date for

          18    a period of time coming forward, true?

          19         A.   That's true.

          20         Q.   When did your position as a member of the City

          21    Council come to an end?

          22              MR. GAUTHIER:  Objection.  Instruct the

          23    witness not to answer; Evidence Code section 940

          24    privilege.

          25              MR. SMITH:  I was next going to ask the


           1    witness to identify a document as his letter of

           2    resignation.  Let me get that.

           3                    (A recess was taken.)

           4    BY MR. SMITH:

           5         Q.   I'd like to have you look at page 12 of

           6    Exhibit 2, please.

           7              This is a document that you signed?

           8              MR. GAUTHIER:  Objection.  Instruct the

           9    witness not to answer; Evidence Code section 940

          10    privilege.

          11    BY MR. SMITH:

          12         Q.   Do you recall interviewing for the position of

          13    City Manager or Interim City Manager?

          14              MR. GAUTHIER:  Same objection and instruction.

          15    BY MR. SMITH:

          16         Q.   Do you recall being offered the position of

          17    City Manager or Interim City Manager?

          18              MR. GAUTHIER:  Same objection and instruction.

          19    BY MR. SMITH:

          20         Q.   Just so the record is clear, Mr. Parrish, are

          21    you asserting your privilege on the last two questions?

          22         A.   Yes.

          23         Q.   On August 15th -- on or about August 15th, did

          24    you submit a resignation from your position on the City

          25    Council of the City of Rio Dell?


           1              MR. GAUTHIER:  Objection.  Instruct the

           2    witness not to answer; Evidence Code section 940

           3    privilege.

           4    BY MR. SMITH:

           5         Q.   Are you asserting that privilege, Mr. Parrish?

           6         A.   Yes.

           7         Q.   Now, on page number 16 of Exhibit 3, do you

           8    have that in front of you, sir?

           9         A.   You say sixteen?

          10         Q.   Page 16 of Exhibit 3.  Look in the upper

          11    right-hand corner.

          12         A.   Okay.

          13         Q.   Does your signature appear on this page?

          14              MR. GAUTHIER:  Objection.  Instruct the

          15    witness not to answer; Evidence Code section 940

          16    privilege.

          17    BY MR. SMITH:

          18         Q.   Do you assert that privilege, sir?

          19         A.   Yes.

          20         Q.   Are you currently serving as Interim City

          21    Manager for the City of Rio Dell?

          22              MR. GAUTHIER:  Objection.  Instruct the

          23    witness not to answer; Evidence Code section 940

          24    privilege.

          25    ///


           1    BY MR. SMITH:

           2         Q.   Mr. Parrish, are you asserting the privilege?

           3         A.   Yes.

           4         Q.   The privilege against self-incrimination?

           5         A.   Yes.

           6         Q.   Prior to July 17th of this year did you have

           7    any discussions with Bud Leonard about the position --

           8    the topic of which concerned the position of City

           9    Manager for the City of Rio Dell?

          10              MR. GAUTHIER:  Objection.  Instruct the

          11    witness not to answer; Evidence Code section 940

          12    privilege.

          13    BY MR. SMITH:

          14         Q.   Are you asserting your privilege against

          15    self-incrimination, Mr. Parrish?

          16         A.   Yes.

          17         Q.   Mr. Parrish, what is your current business,

          18    profession or occupation?

          19              MR. GAUTHIER:  Objection.  Instruct the

          20    witness not to answer; Evidence Code section 940

          21    privilege.

          22    BY MR. SMITH:

          23         Q.   Mr. Parrish, are you asserting your privilege

          24    against self-incrimination?

          25         A.   Yes.


           1              MR. SMITH:  Thank you, Mr. Parrish.  I have

           2    nothing further.

           3              MR. GAUTHIER:  No questions.

           4              Mr. Miadich?

           5              MR. MIADICH:  Nothing here.

           6       (The deposition was concluded at 11:20 a.m.)

           7                         .  .  .


           9    I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the

          10    foregoing is true and correct.

          11    Executed this       day of                    , 2006,

          12    at                          .



          15    JAY PARRISH












           1    STATE OF CALIFORNIA )
                                    ) ss.
           2    COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT  )

           3       I, Valerie Walker, CSR No. 7209, a Certified

           4    Shorthand Reporter of the State of California, hereby

           5    certify that the witness in the foregoing deposition was

           6    by me duly sworn to testify to the truth, the whole

           7    truth and nothing but the truth in the within-entitled

           8    cause; that said deposition was taken at the time and

           9    place therein stated; that the testimony of the said

          10    witness was reported by me and was thereafter

          11    transcribed under my direction into typewriting; that

          12    the foregoing is a full, complete and true record of

          13    said testimony; and that the witness was given an

          14    opportunity to read and correct said deposition and to

          15    subscribe the same.  Should the signature of the witness

          16    not be affixed to the deposition, the witness shall not

          17    have availed himself of the opportunity to sign or the

          18    signature has been waived.

          19       I further certify that I am not of counsel or

          20    attorney for either or any of the parties in the

          21    foregoing deposition and caption named, or in any way

          22    interested in the outcome of the cause named in said

          23    caption.


          25    ______________________________
                Certified Shorthand Reporter

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